Working quite well : xorg7.2, DRI, suspend, Radeon Mobility X600

Norberto Meijome freebsd at
Tue May 29 03:50:59 UTC 2007

On Mon, 28 May 2007 10:32:02 -0500
Bruce Burden <brucegb at> wrote:

>    Hello Norberto,

Hi Bruce,
please keep the list in CC:


> 	I have a HP ZD8000 with the X600 in it, and while DRI is
>     better under 6.2-Stable and Xorg 7.2, the display is still not
>     correct. And, yes, the world is up to date, as of last week.

what do you mean, is not correct? If you see artifacts, you may want to grab a
screenshot so we can see what it is...

> 	So, I am curious as to what modules you have loaded? As I
>     say, if I uncomment DRI in the Modules section, the display
>     does not render correctly. I have "radeon" as the driver in 
>     the card section. I do see drm.ko and radeon.ko in the kldstat
>     output when I uncomment DRI, but it is not useful.
at least in my case:
1) I  need to have AGP support in your kernel (or load it as module, for some
reason I've built it in...)
2) I loaded radeon by hand, drm got loaded automatically
3) i started X and it didnt die.
4) I then enabled DRI and tried again... 

I then spent some more time re-running xorgcfg to get a clean config (in case
the options available in xorg6.x were different to the ones in xorg7.2

> 	Perhaps you can tell me what I am overlooking?

not sure, i've put some of hte info I think is relevant here :

{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

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