Sony DSC, but no da* device?

Brian Reichert reichert at
Sat Mar 4 22:46:17 GMT 2006

I'm new to USB devices, so please excuse me...

It was my impression from the handbook:

That plugging in a USB device would first generate a umass device,
then associate a SCSI device with it.

Instead, I only see the umass0 entry, and if I unplug this USB
device, my kernel panics.

  Mar  4 17:28:42 chew kernel: ugen0: detached
  Mar  4 17:34:39 chew kernel: umass0: Sony Sony DSC, rev 2.00/6.00, addr 2

I'm running FreeBSD 6.0, and the device in question is a Sony DSC-T9
digital camera.

My research on the archives didn't present any concrete pointers toward
explaining this.   Can anyone provide any advice here?

Brian Reichert				<reichert at>
55 Crystal Ave. #286			Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1725 USA			BSD admin/developer at large	

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