IrDA on ThinkPad X40

Tobias Roth roth at
Thu Feb 9 15:35:58 PST 2006

On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 12:10:05AM +0100, Karel Miklav wrote:
> I'm trying to connect SonyEricsson and Siemens mobile phones
> to my couple of days old FreeBSD 6 on an X40 ThinkPad notebook.
> The birda package doesn't work, but I'm not sure where the
> problem is. Is there a way I can just test the communication,
> cat /dev/cuad0 gives nothing. Here's some info:

Some time ago, I tested this by running one of the apps included
in birda. It was ircomm or irs, I forgot which one, it just printed
out some data whenever the IR port received a signal. I sent signals
with my TV remote.

I didn't get farther than this, because that was around the time
when Maksim introduced bluetooth support to FreeBSD, and I used that
from then on. This was on an IBM T30.

Hope that helps, Tobias

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