Switching wired <-> wireless in a user-friendly manner,
AT Matik
asstec at matik.com.br
Tue Nov 29 09:07:23 GMT 2005
> Seems like using LINK_DOWN in a notify with devd would be far faster and
> have much less overhead than cron. (Yes, it looks like LINK_DOWN is
> valid.)
probably for you, but for me it is convenient with a script because depending
on my location I connect to different ssids, so my script asked me which of
the available ssid I want to connect to, still more since some are dhcp and
others not and some use the ndis module and others a pccard and load the
module if necessary. My NB hangs when I put a pccard in while the ndis module
is loaded.
Another problem seems to be that the NIC going inactive and getting a new dhcp
ip do not overwrite the defaultroute even if dhcpd delivers it. So I need to
delete and write a new one.
may be I could do this all with devd but I am more familare with sh
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