Brett Wiggins destroyingculture at
Tue May 31 13:40:08 PDT 2005

Hi everyone,
                   I am having a go at setting up IrDA on my 5.4 - 
STABLE laptop. So far I have gathered some information and installed 
birda, I am having trouble putting all the information together to get 
IrDA working.
My dmesg reports;

sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on 
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 drq 1 on acpi0
sio1: type 16550A

I think that sio0 is my com port and sio0 my Irda device. Under bios it 
is listed that serial port A is the com port, while serial port B is 
listed as the IrDA device.

I have had a look under /dev and can only find mention of /dev/io
/dev/sio0 and /dev/sio1 are not present. Below is a  listing of all the 
devices  under /dev;

 acd0            cuaia0          klog            psm0            ttyv7
acpi            cuaia1          kmem            ptyp0           ttyv8
ad0             cuala0          log             random          ttyv9
ad0s1           cuala1          lpt0            sndstat         ttyva
ad0s1a          da0             lpt0.ctl        stderr          ttyvb
ad0s1b          devctl          mdctl           stdin           ttyvc
ad0s1c          devstat         mem             stdout          ttyvd
ad0s1d          dri             mixer0          sysmouse        ttyve
ad0s1e          dsp0.0          net             ttyd0           ttyvf
ad0s1f          dsp0.1          net1            ttyd1           tun0
agpgart         dspW0.0         net2            ttyid0          ulpt0
apm             dspW0.1         net3            ttyid1          ums0
ata             dspr0.1         net4            ttyld0          unlpt0
atkbd0          fd              net5            ttyld1          urandom
audio0.0        fido            net6            ttyp0           usb
audio0.1        fw0             net7            ttyv0           usb0
bpsm0           fw0.0           network         ttyv1           usb1
console         fwmem0          nfs4            ttyv2           usb2
consolectl    fwmem0.0        null            ttyv3           xpt0
ctty               geom.ctl        pass0           ttyv4           zero
cuaa0           io              pci             ttyv5
cuaa1           kbd0            ppi0            ttyv6

If anyone could help direct me from here that would be great.


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