ath: a few questions [really not important]

Kris Maglione bsdaemon at
Wed Jan 19 11:37:47 PST 2005

> While you likely don't care about the details, the fix is probably 
> something that must go in kismet.

You underestimate my... (popular 'technoculture' would probably call it 
geekiness) sorry, my mind's gone today, I can't think of a word. 
Nevertheless, I always care about the details, but I understand that you 
don't have the time to explain them. I was wondering why so many packets 
were being discarded, but also why it sometimes detected networks.

Nevertheless, it matters not to me at the moment, since the ath driver 
stopped picking up most packets and won't associate/stay associated for 
more than a half of a second. I'm relying on the ndis driver (it turned 
out to be as bad as I expected. I've had two panics so far. I need to 
switch to -CURRENT and compile in break-to-debugger support so I can 
report them.)

Sorry for the blurb. My mind's not here, but I've had too much tea and 
too little food.

>     Sam

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