Fwd: Experience with Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop?

Rainer Duffner rainer at ultra-secure.de
Wed Jan 5 13:04:10 PST 2005

julesg at newebmail.com wrote:

>A friendly FreeBSD'er in the Netherlands helped me get some perhiperals
>running; and I did learn some things for my efforts; Conexnat(?), the
>modem people, are beginning to be quite responsive to the Linux the
>FreeBSD communities, and I expect they will begin to offer Linux drivers
>for their modems -- but right now, the 1150 Winmodem (which I require)
>only works with M$ OS's.  I purchased this, believing that I could make
>things work with FreeBSD -- but not so.  I was replacing an old Tecra and
>everything worked fine, with both Linux and BSD -- not so the 1150.
>I made a serious mistake -- I should have come here first and asked "What
>works best with FreeBSD" and now I pay for that mistake, because when I
>boot up I have to look at a windoz desktop.  
>So Greg, DON'T YOU MAKE THAT ERROR -- find something else to buy!

Does it have a serial port ? Then, one could use a serial modem.


~     Rainer Duffner - rainer at ultra-secure.de     ~
~           Freising - Munich - Germany           ~
~    Unix - Linux - BSD - OpenSource - Security   ~
~  http://www.ultra-secure.de/~rainer/pubkey.pgp  ~

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