Buying a laptop. (HP, Compaq, or Gateway)

Arnt Gulbrandsen arnt at
Sun Jan 2 06:25:04 PST 2005

parv at writes:
> Reading rest of the paragraph shows that you meant to say that SuSe is 
> actually worse (in comparison to FreeBSD or Windows).

AFAICT, both linux (suse and debian) and freebsd seem to be a little 
hit-and-miss. What works fine on one laptop may not work on the next. I 
sense the smell of BIOS bugs... maybe freebsd is better than suse, but 
maybe BIOS bugs are the dominant factor. Frustrating.

Anyway, if you can get a chance to try an install and like laptops that 
have low weight, long battery lifetime, lots of connectivity options 
and no clutter, I highly recommend the small Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebooks. 
If it works, it works very well, except for swapping between CD/DVD and 
battery in the second bay. Doesn't bother me, I never use either 
floppies, CDs nor DVDs.

(typing on an old E6010)

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