Dell D600 - sleep / acpi in FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE

David Gilbert dgilbert at
Mon Nov 8 07:22:25 PST 2004

>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Gerber <agerber at> writes:

Alan> Eric Anderson wrote:
>> Ok, I posted a week or so back that I had sleep/standby working.  I
>> lied.  I have it successfully going into S1, but not S3 or S4.
>> Should these work?  I would guess S3 should at least work, but
>> instead it reboots my machine.  I have successfully created a Dell
>> hibernate partition at the first chunk of my disk as their docs
>> say, but S4 also does not work.
>> What am I missing?  What should I be looking for?
>> I'm willing to debug if it helps anyone.

Alan> FWIW, I've been having the same problem on my D600.  S1 doesn't
Alan> turn the LCD off, however, so it still drains significant
Alan> battery power.  It isn't a super-important thing to me, so I've
Alan> been a little relaxed about saying anything about it.

On my D800 (which is a completely different nvidia beast), it works to
'xset dpms force off' the screen immediately before suspending.  ACPI
suspending to S1 still leaves the processor needing the cooling fan
for me --- so it's not ideal.  S3 suspend reboots the machine.


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       dave at                    |  equal if and only if they |
|                              |   are precisely opposite.  |

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