How does dstumbler work?

Bradley Thomson bluechip at
Tue May 4 10:31:24 PDT 2004


I'm a newbe also but here's what I've grok'd sofar.

Upper left window shows a list of the networks that your card is seeing . There should be at least one entry here if your card is
configuered properly. Arrow keys should work here for browsing the list, if not the menu command s +/- and </> are for browsing

The lower left window is the recieved signal strength graph for the network you've chosen. There are not many comands in the
program. It is mostly just a passive monitor. Other programs need to be run to monitor packets, examine WEP codes etc.

If you're not seeing anything in any of the windows you card may be set to a specific net mode.  Don't put any switches in your
ifconfig line that you don't absolutely need.

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