i) Questions on IBM Thinkpad A22m. ii) Plus: Thinkpad R40e additional words

Ludwig Schreier aaa777 at bonbon.net
Wed Jun 16 18:33:19 GMT 2004

Howdy, mobile friends.

Well, I reported about my R40e and it's still my most best computer running
FreeBSD (and some Windows crap for 'be among the mass' reasons.)

I'm going to buy another Thinkpad soon, but this time a second hand or at
least old model because of the CPU and e.g. COM Port (which is totally
ignored by most new Thinpad's).
I can't see any need of new Technology, when geeking the terminal and having
fun with it.

I found someone selling a Thinkpad A22m and now the question is:

Do you have any experience with it running FreeBSD Unix?

This questions also includes questions about:

- If the onboard ethernet will be supported. (I will ask the seller for it's
chipset ... or at least more details on this)
- If this (to me) mysthic "SpeedStep" CPU (actually it's a PIII with 1 GHz)
is fully supported. (I will checkout the hardware faq later this day)

- Everything fine with it?
- Did you made and experience with it, using it, running FreeBSD?

Because I'm looking forward to safe time and buy it quickly the next few
days. A research on the notebook would give me many answers / information I
guess, but a 'word' is quiet more worth to me.


Some addition to the R40e:
It's CPU, Intel Celeron with approx. 2000 GHz is _not_ the fastest computer
I had. Could be a bus system and / or IDE harddrive reason too, but suddenly
it's not for speed freaks. (I'm none)

I believe that there is at least a second Thinkpad model that is suitable
(compatible) to FreeBSD as the R40e is, but not Celeron nor Centrino CPU

So far... thanks in advance,

Ludwig Schreier

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