No subject

Jake Khuon khuon at NEEBU.Net
Sat Jan 17 04:35:53 PST 2004

It seems like dhclient with ENABLE_POLLING_MODE doesn't play nice with the
an driver.  I just upgraded to 5.2R and the machine was hitting high loads
while dhclient kept reinitialising an0.  This doesn't happen with my fxp0
however.  I yanked -DENABLE_POLLING_MODE out of dhclient's and
recompiled.  Things seem happier.  Did I miss something or have other
encountered this too?

/*===================[ Jake Khuon <khuon at NEEBU.Net> ]======================+
 | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers     /| / [~ [~ |) | | --------------- |
 | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation  / |/  [_ [_ |) |_| N E T W O R K S |

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