(OT?) mobile phones/mass storage

Michael McCormack jne at iinet.net.au
Sat Dec 11 23:24:00 PST 2004

Greetings all; Not sure if this would be better off posted to -hardware 
or what, but I figured .. they're mobile..

I'm in the market for a new mobile phone, so I was wondering if anyone 
can recommend (or point me to a list of) phones that can be connected to 
a FreeBSD machine (via usb, irda, even bluetooth.. USB is preferable 
tho, since I already have the hardware for that..) with a minimum of 
hassle. I know most phones will emulate umass, but I have tried a couple 
and all result in core dumps during various stages of the 
attach/detach.. Can anyone help me out?


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