Any Interest in Load-Adaptive Power Daemon?

Jeffrey Katcher jmkatcher at
Sun Apr 25 08:55:41 PDT 2004

I've been using an IBM T40 that I love, but it has a very short life on
something like 2:30, which is half of my previous Dell.  I'm presuming that
is a direct result of always running at max clock 1.6Ghz.  I've been doing a
little better lately adjusting clock speed manually, but I'm thinking of
a daemon that will do the job automatically.  It shouldn't take more than a day
so, but:
1) Does something like this already exist on FreeBSD?
2) Anyone else want it?  I'd like to donate it for FreeBSD inclusion if it 
works well and any core person is interested.

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Katcher

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