Jason Goddard jasongoddard at
Sat Nov 29 19:21:08 PST 2003

Hello every body...

	I can sincerely understand anyones venom for DELL support policy. Though 
business is just that business.
I worked for DELL for more than a year in their MAC/PAI major accounts 
support department. I was considered
a Senior Portables Phone Support Technician. Depending on when you called, 
you might not have reached a dell employee. I was layed
off twice and rehired once. I also would never take another job with them. 
They have pretty much closed
their support services in Round Rock at 1 Dell way. Now you get someone in 
india who really can resolve
your issues. I will never buy a DELL for that simple fact. Dell is acting 
many other companies are and
stripping American jobs to make more money...hurting customers in the 
process. Business Ethics is not
a major concern these days in big business.

	Just so everyone here understands this most of the DELL technicians while 
I was there that were not
just there to collect a paycheck used FreeBSD, REDHAT, SuSE, Slackware, 
OpenBSD,NetBSD at home and could have helped
anyone with OS problems in those regards. BUT! DELL made it impossible 
through there policy and the fact that they
recorded ALL phone calls to support and managers listened in regularly to 
calls. I also had to have a back ground
check and sign an NDA prior to be hired on. Which means they can still sue 
me if they want to if I disclose anything
that could hurt them.

	I want everyone here to understand that I niether agree with DELL policy 
nor do I mind anyone DELL bashing.
I just wanted some of you to understand that alot of US.DELL 
technicians(and former DELL technicians) understand
the OS but had their hands tied by DELL and its policies. I myself am 
certified as a sysetm administrator on
windows,linux,and unix as well as being a certified DBA. Though I was the 
a rare thing at DELL.

	I will also say this...a good HELL support technician knows how to 
separate the hardware for testing purposes
and make the correct call...I never had a problem...then again...thats 
just me...

	Anyone who needs help with a DELL computer or needs to know what to say 
to get proper help from HELL tech support
feel free to drop me a line and I will do my best to get you on the right 
foot...unless your a lefty...then the left
foot it will be.


Jason Goddard

jasongoddard at

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