No subject

ydg at ydg at
Mon May 19 23:21:41 PDT 2003

I recently bought a netgear ma401 wireless pcmcia nic [prism 2.5 chipset] for my laptop running 4.8. after manually setting the irq, it seems to work fine. Now im ready to buy a pci pcmcia adapter and another pcmcia nic for my server, to create a wap for my laptop to access.
My server also runs 4.8, and ive heard some of the pci adapters only work in 5.0. anyone have any positive experiences with the pci adapters in 4.x. Also, any reason not to go with another netgear ma401 card? i was never able to find good specs for the card [such as its range and power usage]. so any recommendations for another wireless pcmcia nic? it doesnt have to be prism, because i could just use my current prism based card for the wap, and use a new card in the laptop.
Thanks a lot.

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