using RAM for swap

Peter Radcliffe pir at
Thu May 1 09:11:21 PDT 2003

Tom <tsasser at> probably said:
> how does one put the swap partition in RAM? 

One doesn't. Swap is for when you don't have enough ram.

> also, what is the recommended ratio of RAM to swap for freebsd?

There really isn't one. It helps if you have at least as much swap
than ram to make sure you can get kernel crash dumps if you ever need
to, but the right amount of swap is "as least much as you need for
what you are doing on that machine".

> i want to do this to reduce battery use on my laptop.

You could try mounting /tmp as mfs, with something like this;
 /dev/ad0s2b             /tmp            mfs     rw,nodev,nosuid,-s=524288 0 0

Adding more physical memory can help battery life if your machine
swaps or pages a lot, but adding more swap won't.


pir                pir-sig at                 pir-sig at

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