suspend on ThinkPad X31 hangs

Dave Tweten tweten at
Mon Jun 9 17:53:40 PDT 2003

daniel+bsd at said:
>I recently installed 4.8-RC on an IBM thinkpad X31. APM seems to work
>(reporting battery status), and hibernation to a special partition
>(created with the IBM tool) works. But suspend has problems resuming.

That's strange, since FreeBSD 4.8 doesn't know about hibernation.  It just 
thinks it's being put to sleep.  The BIOS knows to copy things to the 
hibernation partition and shut down after the OS has gone to sleep.

You didn't answer any of the following questions in your original message, 

1. Did you put

	options		CPU_SUSP_HALT


	device		apm0

   into your custom kernel config?

2. Did you put all of:

	apmd_flags="-f /usr/local/etc/apmd.conf"

   into /etc/rc.conf (changing the path name to the location of your
   customized apmd configuration file)?

3. Did you customize apmd.conf to incorporate

	    exec "/usr/local/etc/rc.suspend";

	    exec "/usr/local/etc/rc.resume";

   or the rough equivalent, to invoke your customized suspend and
   resume scripts?

4. Does your customized suspend script do

	sync && sync && sync
	sleep 3

   to make sure all outstanding disk I/O is complete before you
   actually suspend?

5. Are you running any detachable devices (PCCard or USB) when you
   suspend?  If so, you may want to detach them in rc.suspend and
   re-attach them in rc.resume.

You said you've already created a hibernation slice.  If you've done all 
these things, and if your X31 works at all like my T23, suspend and 
hibernate should work well, except for the need to switch to a virtual 
console and back to X when you wake up from hibernation.
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