Variable NFS mounts / firewall rules.

lewiz purple at
Fri Jul 4 17:58:00 PDT 2003

On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 01:30:46AM +0200, Tobias Roth wrote:
> I am working towards a more or less complete 'laptop multihoming'
> solution that fits in the base system (probably plus an optional
> port). It is a somewhat complicated task, but I am confident I will
> have a working solution available in a few weeks (think 5 to 8).

Having read the page it sounds like just what I want.  Right now I've
got some mess with dhclient-exit-hooks.  Actually, I say mess, it works
rather well, actually, but it's not quite as elegant a solution as the
one you are proposing.

> You can also subscribe to the FreeBSD-rc mailinglist
> ( if you want to help test alpha versions

Cool, I'm heading over now :)  I'm looking more toward the local-network
and hostile network, so I don't know how much help I'll be bug-testing

  Thanks very much,


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