Least supported laptop for FreeBSD under $1k

Bruno Stark b_st at gmx.de
Fri Dec 26 03:37:00 PST 2003

I bought an Acer Aspire 1300 XV for EUR 990 a year ago, so let's say it's
still "modern" and under $1000.

Everything (except the softmodem) works fine; there is "only one" funny
error. I have not yet found out what is going wrong, but the symptoms are

After some random amount of uptime between 30sec and 10h, the machine
freezes without any error/log messages and can only be revived with a
power cycle.  Note that this amazing feature "works"

- with ACPI on or off
- with or without X
- in single- or multiuser mode
- independent of system load
- independent of attached hardware
- even during the installation

- exclusively restricted to FreeBSD and NetBSD. WindowsXP and various
flavors of Linux run fine.

Who can beat that?

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