Latitude D800 display.

David Gilbert dgilbert at
Thu Dec 4 06:36:08 PST 2003

>>>>> "Jamie" == Jamie Bowden <ragnar at> writes:

Jamie> Several of the other people on this list have one, and I have a
Jamie> question: What resolution are you running?

Jamie> What do I have to do to use the full resolution of this screen?
Jamie> I'd think X would pick this up from DDC, but it's not finding
Jamie> any other valid modes.

Jamie> I'm using the NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-1.0-4365 driver Nvidia's
Jamie> website dated 1-July-2003.

I have the following in my XF86Config.  I don't recall where I got it
from, but it appears to make things work.  I also use the nvidia
driver, but this was also required for the XFree driver to work.

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
	HorizSync    30-110
	VertRefresh  60-110
	Modeline "1920x1200" 230 1920 1936 2096 2528 1200 1201 1204 1250 +HSync +VSync
	Option       "DPMS"


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       dave at                    |  equal if and only if they |
|                              |   are precisely opposite.  |

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