Hang up at md mount on CURRENT
Mori Hiroki
yamori813 at yahoo.co.jp
Tue Jun 23 01:51:53 UTC 2020
I try CURRENT for Atheros.
It's hang up at md mound.
Kernel debuger show this.
db> ps
pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd
36 27 19 0 R+ CPU 0 mount
34 0 0 0 DL mdwait 0x808c8000 [md0]
27 19 19 0 R+ sh
19 1 19 0 Ss+ wait 0xc74296f0 sh
18 0 0 0 RL [soaiod4]
17 0 0 0 RL [soaiod3]
16 0 0 0 RL [soaiod2]
15 0 0 0 RL [soaiod1]
14 0 0 0 DL wrkwait 0x80776880 [map/rootfs.uzip]
9 0 0 0 RL [schedcpu]
8 0 0 0 DL aldslp 0x80506ef0 [ALQ Daemon]
7 0 0 0 RL [syncer]
6 0 0 0 RL [vnlru]
5 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [bufdaemon]
100033 RunQ [bufdaemon]
100040 RunQ [bufspacedaemon-0]
4 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [pagedaemon]
100032 RunQ [dom0]
100038 D launds 0x80536244 [laundry: dom0]
100039 RunQ [uma]
3 0 0 0 RL [rand_harvestq]
13 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [usb]
100022 D - 0xc02c1c84 [usbus0]
100023 D - 0xc02c1cb4 [usbus0]
100024 D - 0xc02c1ce4 [usbus0]
100025 D - 0xc02c1d14 [usbus0]
100026 D - 0xc02c1d44 [usbus0]
2 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [cam]
100016 D - 0x804fd640 [doneq0]
100031 D - 0x804fd56c [scanner]
12 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [geom]
100013 RunQ [g_event]
100014 D - 0x8050610c [g_up]
100015 D - 0x80506110 [g_down]
11 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [intr]
100004 I [swi6: task queue]
100005 I [swi6: Giant taskq]
100007 I [swi5: fast taskq]
100010 I [swi1: netisr 0]
100011 RunQ [swi4: clock (0)]
100012 I [swi3: vm]
100017 RunQ [swi0: uart]
100018 I [apb intr2: gpio0]
100019 I [int2 arge0]
100020 I [int3 arge1]
100021 I [int1 ehci0]
100028 I [int0 ath0]
10 0 0 0 RL [idle]
1 0 1 0 SLs wait 0xc02724d0 [init]
0 0 0 0 RLs (threaded) [kernel]
100000 RunQ [swapper]
100003 D - 0x8065e600 [softirq_0]
100006 D - 0x8065e100 [thread taskq]
100008 D - 0x8065dd00 [aiod_kick taskq]
100009 D - 0x8065dc00 [kqueue_ctx taskq]
100027 D - 0x8065ca00 [cfid taskq]
100030 D - 0x8065d800 [CAM taskq]
If you have advice, please let me know.
Hiroki Mori
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