spigen problem

Ian Lepore ian at freebsd.org
Mon May 20 14:44:03 UTC 2019

On Sun, 2019-05-19 at 23:36 -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On Sun, 19 May 2019 at 09:41, Ian Lepore <ian at freebsd.org> wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, 2019-05-19 at 09:03 -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > > hi!
> > > 
> > > this looks ok to me. I'll go commit this tonight.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -a
> > > 
> > 
> > I actually think it's horrible and we should fix the real problem
> > of
> > supporting hardware that can only do unidirectional
> > transfers.  But,
> > doing so is a pretty big job.  I've got some ideas on it, but it's
> > not
> > something that's going to get finished in a week or two.
> Do you mind if I commit this for now anyway? That at least unblocks
> Mori to do other interesting hacks.
> What are your ideas?

Sorry, I should have been more specific that my whining didn't amount
to a blocking request, because I just don't have the spare time right
now to even try to address the underlying problem.

There probably should have been a rule for spi from day one that the
controller driver has to supply a dummy buffer if the caller doesn't
supply a buffer for one of the directions and the controller must do
bidirectional transfers (like if dma is involved).  Instead we went the
other way and said callers always must supply bidirectional buffers
even though the case of using both input and output data in one
transfer is exceedingly rare.

I think a minimal-changes idea that may work is to say that the callers
must supply a buffer for both directions like they do now, but they are
allowed to set either the tx or the rx length to zero to provide a clue
to the controller driver that a transfer in that direction isn't needed
if the hardware can't do it (or if not doing it speeds things up or
makes things easier).  We still have to examine and change every
existing controller driver, but the changes would be minimal.

-- Ian

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