MIPS code size strangeness

Eugene Grosbein eugen at grosbein.net
Mon Nov 21 17:05:13 UTC 2016

On 21.11.2016 23:47, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> Hiya,
> Well, let's dig into it a bit more. See what the latest gcc (5, or 6)
> will do when building a freebsd mips userland. It may also be
> something stupid - eg we can mark some code to stop inlining.

Is it possible to obtain gcc6 MIPS cross-compiler for FreeBSD11/amd64 (my build system)
and make our buildworld/buildkernel use it instead of stock gcc 4.2?

> MIPS binaries are going to be bigger than CISC binaries - but it
> shouldn't be /that/ much bigger. If there's cut/paste code that we can
> uninline, libraryify, etc to save space then we should.

The C-code in question is not big and has not "copy-paste" parts.

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