RB433AH failed to boot from bootp protocol

Luiz Otavio O Souza lists.br at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 14:42:53 UTC 2014

On 25 March 2014 04:39, Andy wrote:
> I have two routerboards, RB433AH and I try to run FreeBSD on them.
> I follow the steps from the following links:
> http://loos.no-ip.org/routerboard/
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/BuildingMIPS
> But both two methods failed to make RB433AH boot from network on my
> computer.
> I am not quite sure about where the questions happens.But I suppose that
> there is something wrong with the build script i used.Since after run the
> build script,I didn't find any files under the tftpboot directory where it
> should be installed with kernel.So I tried to install the kernel into
> tftpboot directory by typing make in the cmd line, it works and install some
> file under the tftpboot directory,but I still cannot boot the RB433AH up.
> I also refer the netboot of FreeBSD of
> PC(http://www.freebsdwiki.net/index.php/Installing_FreeBSD_with_netboot),in
> this instruction, it copy the pxeboot directory into the tftpboot
> directory.I have no idea about which files should I copy into tftpboot
> directory,or should I still use the make installkernel command to install
> the kernel into tftpboot directory.
> I also suppose that maybe there is something wrong with my dhcp
> configuration.Since RB433AH even got the IP address from my computer's dhcp
> server.But I was completely follow the dhcp step of two instructions.Maybe I
> should use dnsmasq to do the dhcp configuration?Since I install openwrt into
> RB433AH successfully by using dnsmasq.
> Can anyone offer some help l about running FreeBSD on the routerboard?
> I would appreciate it if you could offer the detailed tutorial?
> I also would like to know about if it is possible to install FreeBSD into
> RB433AH 128MB flash.I know FreeBSD is much bigger than 128MB, but i see the
> project which is called miniBSD, can it run on the routerboard's flash or
> just install the boot file into flash and use the microSD card as disk?


We don't have to tools to make FreeBSD boot from NAND on RB4xx yet,
but the support is coming.

Anyway, i can help you netboot your RB433, i just need more
information about how it has failed, can you post some of your
configuration and the RB console output ?


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