WiFi TDMA AR7161, results and moving forward

Mukunda Haveri mukunda at pointred.co
Mon Feb 18 14:32:09 UTC 2013

Thanks to Adrian's WiFi scripts, we were able to get the TDMA working on
the Compex-AR7161 board. The results were surprising; we are able to do,
close to 100 mbps one way iperf tests and 40 mbps bidirectional Iperf in
non-TDMA  mode. We were able to achieve this, only after disabling all the
debug options in the kernel. Porting the U-Boot to the Compex-boards did
take lot of effort, but not the "FreeBsd". Many thanks to all the
"scientists" who made this possible.

Moving forward, it is observed that the TDMA throughput peaks at 9 mbps and
refuses to move beyond. After reducing the slot duration to 1 ms, the
throughput increased to around 12 mbps. I was expecting the TDMA to yield a
better throughput because of collision-less scheme. I would like to
understand if our observation is expected or if there's some inherent
limitation within the TDMA controller.

It will be good to have some feedback from TDMers with similar experience
or better.

Thanks again,

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