[PATCH] Fix for crash on reading /dev/mem in 64 bit.

Jayachandran C. jchandra at freebsd.org
Wed Oct 12 15:42:19 UTC 2011

The crash happens because memrw() calls uiomove_fromphys() with a
vm_page that is allocated in stack.  This page does not have the
md.pv_list initialized, and when uiomove_fromphys() calls
pmap_flush_pvcache(), it results in a kernel crash.  The attached
patch fixes this bug.

Also looking at the code of uiomove_fromphys(), I'm not sure why we
need the wbinv and flush pvcache and then another wbinv  - any ideas?

If there are no comments, I'm planning to check it in later this week.

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