Broadcom MIPS progress

Bruce M. Simpson bms at
Thu May 10 03:30:35 UTC 2007

Things are now at a stage where the SiBa bus attachment stuff works, irq 
allocation is propagated to nexus (because SiBa interrupts appear to map 
1:1 on MIPS ones).

I am currently trying to get the PCI host bridge working. The WGT634U 
ships with an Atheros 5213 in its MiniPCI slot so this should be 

The Sentry5 is a good way to get the SiBa support matured to a point 
where we can think about targetting smaller systems based on chips such 
as the Broadcom 4702 and 4710.

One thing we really need assistance with is a flash filesystem and 
drivers for non-MMC flash memory. It would be great if someone could 
step up to doing this -- FreeBSD lacks a framework such as Linux has for 
this (MTD).

My overall objective for this project is to get the code to a point 
where it will boot single-user and mount root via NFS using the SiBa 
Ethernet cores present on the bus, most likely using the bfe(4) driver.


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