FreeBSD/MIPS project status update

M. Warner Losh imp at
Thu May 10 02:50:50 UTC 2007

In message: <7b353d790705091911i64b4ae07icf7032fcb81b8c7a at>
            "Irfan Zia" <irfanzia at> writes:
: Hi Gonzo, all
:   I plan to work on a FreeBSD R7K Mips port in Big-endian mode. The
: other catch is that I want to do my development on Linux.  I have
: looked at the makefiles and am fairly confident that they can be
: worked out with pmake on Linux (Fedora).


:   My real problem is how do I force  the built objects/binaries  into
: a   Big-Endian UFS file-system.  I don't have a BE machine.  Is it
: possible, to somehow  use files/dirs  built on a an LE system  to be
: bundled into a BE  UFS filesystem ?   Any tools/hints.

Consider /usr/ports/sysutils/makefs.  It can make a UFS image, and you
can specify endianness, I believe.


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