MIPS32 support

Tiffany Snyder tiffany.snyder at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 17:47:30 UTC 2006

I agree MIPS fell out of the server market but the embedded market more than
offset that. The company I work for has been a FreeBSD user for a number of
years. So, we use FreeBSD on our Intel based gears and NetBSD on our MIPS
based gears. We'd like to standardise on FreeBSD including  MIPS. This
thread is the only encouraging email I've seen in the past 5 years on MIPS.
I hope it lasts!.



On 7/2/06, M. Warner Losh <imp at bsdimp.com> wrote:
> In message: <44A54061.8090102 at pbxpress.com>
>             Oleksandr Tymoshenko <gonzo at pbxpress.com> writes:
> :      Hello people. For last few weekends I've been tweaking code of
> latest
> : freebsd-mips snapshot, provided by Juli, intending to run it on MIPS32
> : evaluation board I'd got. On the moment I have some low-level stuff
> : ported: TLB handling, traps handling, interrupt handling. Kernel boots
> : and runs on a board(well, till a certain moment of course, there is no
> : PCI bus support yet).  Not many changes to original code, but it took a
> : while to look through architecture specs. Now, when I know where to go
> : further with porting, I'd like to put my changes together, clean them
> : out and keep in sync with main development branch. The latest available
> : sources are more then one year old. Was there any progress since then?
> Also
> : there is a question of keeping mips64/mips32 sources together.  NetBSD
> : keeps code for both platforms as one meta-architecture "mips" and manage
> : it with #defines from architectures like "evbmips". It's only mips64
> : tree in the snapshot so far. So I wander if there is a kind of roadmap
> : for freebsd-mips project. Thanks!
> The FreeBSD mips project has been an on again off again affair for a
> number of years (like 8).
> Juli stopped working on the mips64 port last year.  She had made good
> progress on this port, but I don't think it ever was a complete port.
> Lots of stuff missing, and aimed at the 64-bit server market.  Since
> MIPS is basically out of that market, there wasn't much interest in
> pursuing this.
> At BSDcan, a number of us got together and resolved to resurrect the
> FreeBSD/mips port.  We started a private p4 repo directory and made a
> little progress before the conference was over.
> I'm in the process of moving the work that was done to a public
> portion of the p4 server.  I'll post details when the operations are
> complete.
> The roadmap forward will be in this tree, and we're planning on using
> FreeBSD/arm as a model, for the moment.  In FreeBSD/arm, we merge the
> src/sys/arch/arm and src/sys/arch/evbarm trees.  There's not a lot of
> need to keep them separate.  Until we have a radically different
> arm/mips port, I think this is the way to go.
> So, if you'd like to get involved and help out on this project, drop
> me a note and we'll see about getting p4 access for you.
> Warner
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