Looking for senior FreeBSD kernel developer. VM, networking, performance. contract/FT

Alfred Perlstein alfred at freebsd.org
Fri Apr 25 21:36:59 UTC 2014

We are looking for a senior FreeBSD kernel developer with experience in 
performance of the VM.

Position can be contract, contract-to-hire or full time.

Specifically we are looking for said changes to enhance database 
performance and stability (mysql and postgresql) on FreeBSD-current and 
FreeBSD-10 with said patches being upstreamed into the FreeBSD kernel.  
We are also looking for large memory fixes and other "big iron" work to 
be done.

Please email me directly.  Remote and telecommute is possible for 
qualified candidates.

Our engineering team is in San Mateo, CA.

Alfred Perlstein
Sr. Director, Appliance & Kernel Engineering

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