Systems Administrator position - Austin, TX, USA

Julian Stacey jhs at
Wed Jun 15 16:18:51 GMT 2005

> From:		"Jared C. Lovell" <lovell at> 

> Give us a break.  Anyone who has time to snap off abusive emails to posters
> of this list clearly has the time to visit the damn URL and find out where
> this job is.  If you don't, delete the message.  Who will know?  Who will
> care?  
> Obviously it is in the poster's best interest to state the location in the
> post.  But this one didn't.  So what?  He doesn't hate you because you live
> in Munich.  He just doesn't care. 

There were too many years, checking too many irrelevant jobs@
postings with no location.   That's why the charter was extended,
to cut noise & degenerative follow up. 

  This is a forum for posting employment notices and resumes
  specifically related to FreeBSD, e.g. if you're seeking FreeBSD-related
  employment or have a job involving FreeBSD to advertise then this
  is the right place. This is NOT a mailing list for general
  employment issues since adequate forums for that already exist

  Note that this list, like other mailing lists @FreeBSD.ORG, is
  distributed worldwide. Thus, you need to be clear about location
  and the extent to which telecommuting or assistance with relocation
  is available.

  All email should be open source formats only. Examples of open
  source formats include PostScript (.ps), Portable Document Format
  (.pdf) and ASCII text. Proprietary formats such as MicroSoft Word
  (.doc) are not accepted.

Julian Stacey        Net & Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
Mail in Ascii (Html=Spam).  Ihr Rauch = mein allergischer Kopfschmerz.

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