Systems Administrator position - Austin, TX, USA

Eric Anderson anderson at
Wed Jun 15 12:40:30 GMT 2005

Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Eric Anderson wrote:
>>We're looking for another sysadmin, with development skills, kernel 
>>debugging/tweaking skills..  More info here:
>>Contact me directly if you would like to know more - serious inquiries 
> Please Post your city & state & country.  It's unacceptable to
> require many on this World Wide list to waste their time to research
> where your -to most irrelevant, as in wrong place- arbitrary company is.

Thanks for the reminder.   In the future, you might spend a few seconds 
rereading your mail before sending to make sure you don't accidentally 
come across as rude, as I'm sure that's not what you intended (knowing 
how your posts are normally on the other lists).


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
A lost ounce of gold may be found, a lost moment of time never.

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