BSD Administrator LFW

Paul Richards paul at
Tue Aug 3 15:01:46 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 20:30, gwen wrote:
> * richard childers / kg6hac (fscked at [040803 15:04]:
> > I think the question is whether two years of professional work is 
> > sufficient to qualify as 'senior'.
> > 
> > I would not hire someone who misrepresented themselves; and seniority, 
> > while relative, is not something that one accrues in less time than it 
> > takes to get an AA.
> > 
> > If I include all the time I spent working with computers before I got my 
> > first job, why, I'd have -thirty- years of experience ... not twenty.

Replying to this is probably a really stupid thing to do...

However, I'll say one thing, your CV should show your job decription as
it was stated in your job contract i.e. what your employer hired you to
be. If your employer hired you as "senior sysadmin" then that's what you
can put in your CV. if you put anything other than that then you're
likely to be found out at a later stage in proceedings, what you
actually did in a practical sense is an entirely different matter and
something a prospective employer should have enough sense to determine
through other means.


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