Looking for job in Melbourne, Australia
Neal Nelson
neal at nelson.name
Wed Dec 10 16:07:58 PST 2003
Further to my last mail: I realised that I sent the wrong CV. It's an
old version.
Attached is the latest version, which really is in text this time.
-------------- next part --------------
Curriculum Vitae
Neal Nelson
Date of Birth: 17-July-1967
Nationality: British
Technical Experience
Hardware: SUN SPARCstation, VAX, Alpha, PC, Macintosh
Languages: Python, C++, C, FORTRAN, Ada, Pascal, SmallTalk, Eiffel
Operating Systems: UNIX (FreeBSD, Solaris), VMS, Windows 95/NT, Mac OS X
OND Computer Studies: Filton Technical College (UK)
HND Computer Studies: University of the West of England
Professional Experience
ERG Transit Systems Pty Ltd (Australia)
November 2000 - July 2001: Contract Software Engineer
Originally working on the design of a SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition)
subsystem for a new Multi Application Smartcard System (MASS) in Java. After three months
at ERG the project was scaled down and I was moved to the Singapore AFC (Automated Fare
Collection) system project where I worked on augmenting a middle-ware component called
the Transaction Delivery System (TDS). To this I added a transaction filtering and a value
add facility. Later I designed and wrote two loadable modules for the Clearing House System.
One performed statistics collection and the other fare apportionment. The latter was a system
whereby fares were apportioned to different service providers when a customer crossed
company boundaries, based on a very arcane set of business rules. All work on the Singapore
AFC project was on Solaris using C++.
Optiscan Pty Ltd (Australia)
May 2000 - July 2000: Contract Software Engineer
Working as part of a team developing a medical imaging application utilising confocal
microscopy. The work consisted mainly of design and coding of image acquisition and
processing from custom hardware. All work was performed on Microsoft NT 5 using Visual
Qualitative Solutions and Research Pty Ltd (QSR) (Australia)
December 1998 - Mid April 1999: Contract Software Engineer
Working as part of a team producing a Qualitative Analysis package for academic and
research use called N-Vivo. This was written in SmallTalk for Microsoft Windows. My initial
tasks included the production of a textual and tabular reporting subsystem, but I was made
responsible for all of the software that used a matrix OLE control called Objective Grid. Later
I wrote a project database structure verifier and object tracking tools used to track memory
leaks, both within the SmallTalk environment itself and with third party products being used.
Science Systems (Space) Ltd (Germany)
April 1994 - May 1998: Principal Analyst Programmer (Originally Senior Analyst
Based at the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), Darmstadt, Germany. Initially
worked on the Huygens Monitoring and Control System (HMCS). The HMCS was the first
use of ESAs then new SCOS-II generic spacecraft control system. It is an object-oriented
system written in C++ on a distributed Sun platform. Throughout the development of the
system I have had responsibility for the telemetry reception and other external interfaces.
This involved the production of the ICD (Interface Control Document) to the NASA network
followed by the SRD (Software Requirements Document) and ADD (Architectural Design
Document). I later became the team leader of the telemetry receiver team. Following the
production of the telemetry receiver I designed and wrote a data distribution system for the
dissemination of the received scientific data. This involved distributing the data via a web and
FTP server plus the production of CDs. Following the delivery of the system I was involved in
the resolution of anomalies and also in adapting the external interfaces to changes in the
NASA system. This also included further development of the SCOS-II generic spacecraft
control system.
Science Systems (Space) Ltd (UK)
1990 - 1994: Senior Analyst Programmer (Originally Analyst Programmer)
Team leader for the Data Filing functional until of the EUMETSAT ground control system
Team leader for the Telemetry Processing functional unit of the British Aerospace LEOP
satellite control system. Involved in all phases of the software development from the high
level design through to integration, testing and user education.
Member of a team producing Telemetry Processing subsystem for the HISPASAT satellite
ground control system. I was involved from the architectural design through to integration
and testing. I was responsible for writing the real time telemetry processing chain. All projects
undertaken were written in FORTRAN on VAXes, including VAXstations and VAX-MIRA
high availability machines.
University of the West of England (UK)
1987 - 1990
Undertook a day release three-year course in Computer Studies. This was biased towards the
practical elements of software engineering covering such subjects as:
_ Concurrent Programming (Ada and Occam II)
_ Distributed Systems
_ Software engineering (mainly Yourdon and Booch OOD)
The final year project involved the development of a real time concurrent object oriented
simulation written in Ada and running on Sun workstations. The project was designed using
the Booch object oriented methodology with Yourdon Real Time being used for
implementation specification and package design.
Westinghouse Systems Ltd (UK)
1989 - 1990: Programmer
Involved in the development of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
on a multiprocessor VAX platform using a real time database environment called HABITAT,
in FORTRAN and C. Another aspect of the work was extensive system configuration and
management of VAX
8800s as well as MicroVAXes and VAXstations.
MVM Consultants plc (UK)
1988 - 1989: Programmer / System manager
As Programmer / System manager covered a wide area of tasks ranging from the running of
the companies in-house VAX systems to working on development of the (British) national
Land Charges system using Oracle. Other projects, such as databases in Informix and DBase
were also developed. I also wrote installation kits for the Land Charges system, written using
VMSinstal and worked on development of an in-house configuration control system.
Bristol Water plc (UK)
1986 - 1988: Draughtsman / Mapping Operator
Involved in the setup and use of a digital mapping system running Informap II on a
VAXstation. Designed and implemented the schema for the storage of the water mains
information as well as the graphical representation of the map data.
Personal Projects
I am currently working on several home projects. All of these use FreeBSD as either the
target or development platform:
_ Lightweight Telemetry Display System
I have started development of a satellite telemetry display system written in Python
and using the wxWindows library for itÕs GUI. The system was initially targeted at
CCSDS packet formatted data (using Cryosat as an example target) but I have also
written modules handling basic PCM format based telemetry for handling Eurostar
The system is designed to be completely portable and was developed on FreeBSD but
also runs without modification on Mac OS X.
The system currently is able to receive both packet and format telemetry and display
raw, enumerated and curve calibrated parameters. It also has rudimentary graphing
capabilities. It is also capable of filing received telemetry but as yet I havenÕt
implemented replay.
_ WebConfig.
This is a web based system configuration utility, similar to WebMin but intended to be
a simple interface suitable for network appliances. It is written entirely in Python
using Medusa as its server infrastructure and initially targeted at FreeBSD. It is
completely modular in structure, so that the functionality can be altered for different
system configurations. Initially I have written modules for basic system configuration
(rc.conf, sysctl.conf and resolv.conf) as well as a PPP and a Firewall module for
IPFW. The latter uses my previous firewall project as it's starting point since I have
been using that for some time now, both in Australia and Germany. Modules under
development currently are for IPSec configuration and a generic service management
module that will form a framework for additional server modules, such as mail, web or
le servers.
_ ADSL Firewall and Wireless Access Point
This is a CompactFlash based firewall that acts as a network gateway using PPPoE
and runs FreeBSD with IPFW as it's firewall. IPSec is used for wireless encryption. It
is currently running on a converted PC but is envisaged to run on an embedded
platform eventually.
_ Home control system for the control of X-10 based devices.
These communicate over the normal mains wiring and may be used to control normal
household appliances and lighting. A prototype was originally developed in Eiffel but
development is now using Python.
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