SCTP do not work with OpenJDK8

Michael Osipov 1983-01-06 at
Thu Aug 2 18:58:19 UTC 2018

Am 2018-07-31 um 15:55 schrieb Timo Völker:
> Hi,
> I found an issue with SCTP support in OpenJDK8 for FreeBSD. In my example
> it happened that OpenJDK8 calls sendmsg with an buffer address != NULL and a buffer length of 0, which is an invalid argument for FreeBSD. I found the code lines in the function Java_sun_nio_ch_sctp_SctpChannelImpl_send0 of
> jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/sctp/SctpChannelImpl.c
> Besides that, I changed two ifdef statements for FreeBSD. I attach my patch file at the end. If I copy this patch file to the files directory of the OpenJDK8 port, I'm able to install OpenJDK and to run the example application.
> sudo cp patch-jdk-src-solaris-native-sun-nio-ch-sctp-SctpChannelImpl.c /usr/ports/java/openjdk8/files
> cd /usr/ports/java/openjdk8
> sudo make install
> I just saw that hwh found this issue already for OpenJDK7.

Nice patch,

can you file an issue with Bugzilla, so this won't get lost?


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