Needle in the haystack: same Java code on two identical machines, one passes one fails

rb at rb at
Wed Mar 15 17:08:12 UTC 2017

> On 15 Mar 2017, at 15:59, Osipov, Michael <michael.osipov at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> On 15 Mar 2017, at 14:50, Osipov, Michael <michael.osipov at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I am currently experiencing a stdio issue on a FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE box
>> at work where
>>> another, identical box, works flawlessly as well as other test boxes in
>> a VM or on real
>>> hardware from 9.3-STABLE to 11.0-STABLE.
>>> Let's stick to the two identical boxes at work for now, both are two
>> identical HPE
>>> servers (Xeon CPUs, RAM 4 GiB) running 10.3-STABLE, both base systems
>> are
>>> configured the same way. Software from ports installed is slightly
>> different.
>>> faulty box:
>>> FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE #0
>> r310805: Fri Dec 30 11:29:53 CET 2016
>> root at  i386
>>> working box:
>>> FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE #0
>> r310632: Tue Dec 27 18:58:32 CET 2016
>> root at  i386 [etc]
>> Well at a quick look, there are changes between r310632 and r310805 that
>> might explain what you are seeing.
> Are you certain? I checked both logs and the diff between these two revisions.
> All I see is HyperV changes from Microsoft and a few changes to Intel NICs.
> Is there anything particular you are pointing at?

No, but that’s the only obvious difference between your two setups so you should at least eliminate that from your enquiries.

> Michael

Bob Bishop
rb at

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