How to update bootstrap-openjdk?

Li-Wen Hsu lwhsu at
Wed Jun 28 18:19:20 UTC 2017

Hi -java@,

I am trying to update bootstrap-openjdk for amd64, to try to solve some
weird issues observed on -CURENT after inode64 updating.  And also want to
make it openjdk7 based, for getting rid of building openjdk7 before
building openjdk8.

However I need some help, the first question is very dumb, but I don't know
where is the repository I should check out the code.  From
bootstrap-openjdk's distinfo, there is a revision number seems obtained
from a svn repository, but the only openjdk repository I can find is .  By reading Makefile.update, the revision
number seems retrieved from ${JDK_PORTDIR} -- are we using the revision
number in FreeBSD ports tree directly?  I am not sure about this because
powerpc64 uses r407937 and it is a update to openjdk7, but r351880 (amd64,
i386) and r378760 (arm) do not look having anything to do with Java.

Also is there any document or tips for updating bootstrap-openjdk?


Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>

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