eclipse && tomcat plugin
Matthias Apitz
guru at
Wed Jun 21 13:15:12 UTC 2017
El día miércoles, junio 21, 2017 a las 02:57:33p. m. +0200, Pieter de Goeje escribió:
> Op 2017-06-21 om 10:32 schreef Matthias Apitz:
> > I have on FreeBSD CURRENT amd64 among others the ports java/eclipse (4.6 Neon) and
> > www/tomcat8 (8.0.41) installed, but I do not see how to configure and
> > run a tomcat server within eclipse which is needed for some project.
> It's been a (long) while, but IIRC you need to have the JavaEE plugins
> installed in eclipse to get tomcat integration. For development purposes
> a non-ports version of tomcat is likely preferable, because eclipse
> expects a standard directory layout.
> Even without eclipse integration, you should be able to build your
> project, take the resulting .war file and deploy it manually in tomcat.
Thanks for the reply. I solved it by installing addition software from
the eclipse project site, esp. the JST* plug-ins, see attachment.
Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, ⌂ ☎ +49-176-38902045
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8. Mai 1945: Wer nicht feiert hat den Krieg verloren.
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