Old issue from mailing list but have the same need...

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Mon Jul 24 01:23:50 UTC 2017

On 7/23/2017 12:32, Karl Denninger wrote:
> I'm trying to shed Windows on my laptop in favor of FreeBSD-11.
> The one thing I absolutely must be able to do in order to accomplish
> that, however, is get into some SuperMicro boxes that I manage on the
> road via their KVM.  It's a Java app (I know), and there is a Windows
> and Linux "setup" that gets grabbed based on the architecture and OS.
> I've tried hacking the downloaded little "trigger" applet (.jnlp) to
> call IcedTea (which I have loaded) but it appears that's impossible --
> While I can get it to call up the Linux .jar file from the host but when
> that tries to run with my hacking the "FreeBSD" architecture lines in I
> get unresolved shared libraries -- it appears the .jar file it grabs has
> direct links to several built into it.
> I think I can get this to work however, _*if*_ I can figure out how to
> load the Linux jre code.  The interpreter should then THINK I'm on a
> Linux box, get the right .jar file and run with it.  So far, however, no
> joy -- there's no package, there IS a port, but the version is
> hopelessly out of date.
> I have the basic linux compatibility loaded and the shared libraries
> required are there under /compat, so basically what I'm wondering is if
> anyone has done this -- and if so, if there are some pointers as to how
> to grab the necessary Linux bits and get them stuffed in the right
> place.  I think I can convince FireFox to call the correct interpreter
> once I get that far.
> Any help appreciated!
> The old thread is here:
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-java/2014-April/010684.html
I solved the problem in a round-about way.

After loading all the X11 Linux emulation libraries the IPMI20
distribution from SuperMicro, IF you force their app to run using the
included jre directory, will work.

This is a round-about path but it's functional, and that's the important
part -- so I have success after plenty of screwing around to figure out
which bits have to go where :)

Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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