OpenJDK8 Thread.sleep will deadlock while turn down system date time.

Jung-uk Kim jkim at
Wed Apr 12 17:17:40 UTC 2017

On 04/11/2017 19:55, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2017, Eric van Gyzen wrote:
>> On 4/8/17 2:03 AM, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> [ ... ]
>>> If JVM sets timeouts using absolute times than it might be fixed in
>>> latest
>>> HEAD and stable/11.
>> The JVM uses pthread_cond_timedwait() to implement Thread.sleep(), so
>> it always uses absolute times.  Furthermore, it uses the default
>> clock, CLOCK_REALTIME.  My recent change (r315280) does not fix this
>> behavior; in fact, I believe it will make the problem worse, since
>> moving the clock forward will wake the thread prematurely.
>> I think the JVM should be fixed to use CLOCK_MONOTONIC.  Would someone
>> like to do the research to determine the correct behavior of
>> Thread.sleep()? Specifically, should the duration of the sleep be
>> affected by adjustments to the real-time clock?  I expect that it
>> should /not/ be affected, especially since the API takes a
>> relative/interval time.  Ideally, we would find the answer in the
>> formal language specification; failing that, I would be satisfied with
>> empirical data from testing on Windows, Linux, MacOS, and Solaris. 
>> I'll be happy to write a patch once we know what it should do.
>> Please keep me CC'd, since I'm not on freebsd-java at .  (Thanks for the
>> CC, Kostik.)
> It seems CLOCK_REALTIME behavior has bugged Linux in the past, too.  I
> think using CLOCK_MONOTONIC, perhaps via pthread_condattr_setclock() in
> our JVM, would be the better approach.

Basically, it was fixed in Linux source but it wasn't merged to ours

Please try the attached patch.

> You'd probably also want to check that whatever java.util.concurrent
> relies on, if different, also behaves similarly (monotonically).

Runtime behaviour depends on HotSpot implementation.

Jung-uk Kim
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