Freebsd + openjdk 7 = problem?

Paul Pathiakis ppathiakis at
Mon Apr 20 15:41:42 UTC 2015

You could try.

The issue become that OpenNMS also encountered problems with 
linux-sun-jdk17.  However, it was intermittent.  Sometimes OpenNMS would 
run for as long as a day before core'ing.

On various Linux platforms, no such issue.  So, I'm going to assume 
there might be a problem with a syscall somewhere in the translation.  

You may not have that problem and it could work fine.  As I said, 
OpenNMS is making big use of all the features in the JDKs as they advance.

On 04/20/2015 11:25, Lon Chen wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> thanks for your replies. I'll forward you and the community some of 
> our logs. I hope it will help narrow down the problem.
> Aside from that, is it worth running the application with the linux 
> emulated jdk?
> BR
> Lon
> Le 16/04/2015 16:36, Paul Pathiakis a écrit :
>> Lon Chen,
>> It's the FreeBSD community, nothing is a bother. ;-)
>> No.  Everything is still crashing with OpenJDK7.  The sad part is the 
>> newest issue I'll face is that OpenNMS is going to 16 on their 
>> software and it will require a JDK 8 variant.  FYI, JDK7 is dead very 
>> soon.  There will be no support for it as Oracle is going to EOL 7.  
>> So, JDK8 will be the only JDK supported soon.
>> I've been trying to get the FreeBSD Java people to pick this up and 
>> run with it to get OpenJDK to work correctly again.  The OpenNMS 
>> people have made extensive patches to OpenNMS to support FreeBSD 
>> after I begged them to do so.  However, I have heard nothing about 
>> progress being made to resolve the issues in weeks.
>> I'm going to CC the people on the java at list.
>> If you can send them crash dumps, that would be great.
>> I'm still working with the OpenNMS people and I'm going to get a 
>> cheat sheet together on how to quickly implement a build and install 
>> so that someone in the java group can fix these issues.
>> P.
>> On 04/16/2015 05:25, Lon Chen wrote:
>>> Hello Paul,
>>> I'm really sorry to bother you and to write you directly, but your 
>>> feedback with opennms on freebsd and jdk7 is really important to us.
>>> I've been following your discussions about freebsd and jdk7, and I 
>>> would like to have some infos.
>>> We are currently trying to upgrade our homemade applications to 
>>> openjdk7 but, like you did, we had some random segmentation faults 
>>> that did not occur with openjdk6. It can happen within 10min or 
>>> within several days. Our applications were running smoothly on 
>>> openjdk6 and freebsd8.
>>> We are also trying to have our applications work with linux-jdk-7 
>>> but it seems that you still had segmentation faults with it?
>>> Finally, what do you mean when you say :
>>> "
>>> Finally, the SIGSEV is the same error I was getting.  Newer versions of
>>> OpenNMS, OpenJDK7, and FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE may have changed that.
>>> " ?
>>> Does it mean that the problem disappeared with some new packages?
>>> Thanks in advance for your consideration.
>>> -- 
>>> Lon CHEN
>>> Software Architect
>>> lon.chen at
>>> Phone: +33 1 53 01 21 98
>>> Hertz / EILEO
> -- 
> Lon CHEN
> Software Architect
> lon.chen at
> Phone: +33 1 53 01 21 98
> Hertz / EILEO

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