Fwd: Re: [opennms-devel] OpenNMS 1.14+ on FreeBSD 8, 9, 10, 11
ppathiakis at atlantisservices.net
ppathiakis at atlantisservices.net
Mon Apr 6 01:57:27 UTC 2015
Forwarding to the java on freebsd project......
Hi Java!
We have issues here that are problems with openjdk 7 and 8.
Please acknowledge and confirm so we can all work on this together and
get this resolved asap. I would like to see OpenNMS in the ports tree
soon and this has already gone on for more than 6 months.
Thank you!
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Subject: Re: [opennms-devel] OpenNMS 1.14+ on FreeBSD 8, 9, 10, 11
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2015 17:00:57 -0500
From: Ronald Roskens <roskens at elfin.net>
To: ppathiakis at atlantisservices.net <ppathiakis at atlantisservices.net>
> On Apr 5, 2015, at 9:38 AM, ppathiakis at atlantisservices.net wrote:
> Ron,
> Any hints on what I'm doing wrong with git and why it won't check out the develop section that you're providing. Also, if 1.8 is working with 1.16, I'm going to head in that direction for testing if that sounds good.
> Use my resources as you need to get things done. I'm here to help and learn so that I can support the FreeBSD port in the future. (Unless you want to run with it.)
If the develop branch already exists, then
# git checkout develop
You should also pull up the latest commits.
# git pull
Then you could do the git merge.
When I run OpenNMS 16.0.0-SNAPSHOT (develop) with either OpenJDK7 or OpenJDK8, I get a JVM crash dump.
When I had installed OpenJDK7 and 8, I noticed there were config options for debugging. For both the slowdebug and fastdebug options, I re-installed OpenJDK8 and ran OpenNMS. Both times the JVM crashed within minutes of startup.
Is there a way to compile OpenJDK8 using GCC rather than clang?
Is there a way to compile OpenJDK8u60-b09 within the FreeBSD ports framework and use that to test running OpenNMS under?
I found this PDF from Oracle on troubleshooting guide for Java SE 6, and assume it also applies to OpenJDK.
There were two JVM arguments that I found that are supposed to help debugging JNI or native methods. “-verbose:jni” and “-Xcheck:jni” and both arguments when added to the command line for OpenNMS caused the JVM to crash much earlier.
Create the file $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/opennms.conf and add a line ADDITIONAL_MANAGER_OPTIONS=“Xcheck:jni -verbose:jni” and you’ll get the crash.
As Jessie had posted earlier, one of the FreeBSD java port developers is needed to help diagnose it further from here.
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