JVM BUG(s) - Hadoop's threads hanging
Ronald Klop
ronald-lists at klop.ws
Mon Jun 16 14:45:16 UTC 2014
On Mon, 16 Jun 2014 14:44:10 +0200, Dmitry Sivachenko
<trtrmitya at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I set up hadoop-1.2.1 (from ports) on FreeBSD-10/stable with openjdk
> version 1.7.0_60.
> On the first glance it is doing well except one annoying thing: after
> executing some tasks, tasktracker process starts to eat CPU when idle.
> Sometimes it is 10-20% (numbers from top(1) output), sometimes it is
> 100-150%.
> In tasktrackers's log I see numerious records like this:
> 2014-06-09 13:08:29,858 INFO org.mortbay.log:
> org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet at abdcc1c JVM BUG(s) -
> injecting delay59 times
> 2014-06-09 13:08:29,859 INFO org.mortbay.log:
> org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet at abdcc1c JVM BUG(s) -
> recreating selector 59 times, canceled keys 944 times
> 2014-06-09 13:09:29,862 INFO org.mortbay.log:
> org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet at abdcc1c JVM BUG(s) -
> injecting delay58 times
> 2014-06-09 13:09:29,862 INFO org.mortbay.log:
> org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet at abdcc1c JVM BUG(s) -
> recreating selector 58 times, canceled keys 928 times
> 2014-06-09 13:10:29,901 INFO org.mortbay.log:
> org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet at abdcc1c JVM BUG(s) -
> injecting delay58 times
> 2014-06-09 13:10:29,901 INFO org.mortbay.log:
> org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet at abdcc1c JVM BUG(s) -
> recreating selector 58 times, canceled keys 928 times
> <...>
> The more jobs I run, more java threads start to consume CPU after all
> tasks finished. After several job execution, top(1) output looks like
> this (splitted by thread, the same PID):
> 79045 hadoop 47 0 1948M 867M uwait 2 20:49 37.50%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 31 0 1948M 867M uwait 31 1:45 19.29%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 33 0 1948M 867M uwait 21 2:51 19.19%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 30 0 1948M 867M uwait 17 2:51 18.65%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 30 0 1948M 867M uwait 11 1:52 18.36%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 30 0 1948M 867M uwait 22 1:45 18.36%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 31 0 1948M 867M uwait 29 2:50 18.26%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 31 0 1948M 867M uwait 6 1:57 18.16%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 31 0 1948M 867M uwait 13 4:55 17.97%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 31 0 1948M 867M uwait 26 3:39 17.77%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 33 0 1948M 867M uwait 8 1:21 17.48%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 30 0 1948M 867M uwait 1 3:32 16.70%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 32 0 1948M 867M uwait 24 3:12 16.70%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 26 0 1948M 867M uwait 4 1:27 10.35%
> java{java}
> 72417 root 20 0 19828K 3252K CPU21 21 0:00 0.29% top
> 836 root 20 0 36104K 1952K select 14 6:51 0.00% snmpd
> 79045 hadoop 20 0 1948M 867M uwait 20 6:51 0.00%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 20 0 1948M 867M uwait 27 3:45 0.00%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 20 0 1948M 867M uwait 30 2:37 0.00%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 20 0 1948M 867M uwait 15 0:54 0.00%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 20 0 1948M 867M uwait 2 0:48 0.00%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 20 0 1948M 867M uwait 14 0:48 0.00%
> java{java}
> 79045 hadoop 20 0 1948M 867M uwait 2 0:48 0.00%
> java{java}
> <....>
> This is on absolutely idle cluster, no single task is running.
> I am attaching truss(1) output for that java process.
> I asked that on user at hadoop.apache.org without any luck.
> Any clues? (I can provide any additional information if needed)
From your information it is hard to say something about it. The bug can be
in FreeBSD, OpenJDK (the Oracle part or in the BSD port part), in Hadoop
or in your own code running on top of Hadoop.
My first idea would be to eliminate some of the possibilities.
- Run a Linux machine with the same versions of the software.
- Try FreeBSD 9-stable.
- Try an older version of OpenJDK on FreeBSD.
- Try a very simple 'Hello world' style application on Hadoop which mimics
the thread usage.
Did you ever run your Hadoop application on FreeBSD before without this
symptom? If so, what are the differences between then and now?
Another possibly valuable piece of information is what those threads are
doing. Using jstack you can very easily get a dump of all stacks of all
threads in Java.
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