VisualVM 1.3.7 starts then quits

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Thu Feb 20 17:59:22 UTC 2014

On 2/19/14, 3:01 PM, Steve Wills wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 01:28:53PM -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>> Hey Steve et al.  I am trying to use VisualVM with OpenJDK 7 on FreeBSD 
>> 9.2-p3 to debug a problem with Tomcat.  I have installed VVM both from 
>> pkgs and ports, and the behavior I see is that it launches, runs for 10 
>> seconds with full GUI that is functional.  But regardless of what I do 
>> within the app (or even if I do nothing), the window disappears after 10 
>> seconds, and the app dies with exit code 2.
>> The log shows nothing fatal.  The last message is:
>> WARNING [org.netbeans.modules.profiler.NetBeansProfiler]: Failed to 
>> initialize the Profiler engine: Problem with a required JFluid 
>> installation directory or file 
>> /usr/local/share/visualvm/profiler/lib/deployed/jdk16/solaris
>> But the app runs a bit after that message is printed.  I see from others 
>> that this DOES work on FreeBSD, so I'm wondering if there is a new 
>> issue, or if there's something I may need to do.  My stats are:
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  >Log Session: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:17:16 PM EST
>>  >System Info:
>>    Product Version         = VisualVM 1.3.7
>>    Operating System        = FreeBSD version 9.2-RELEASE-p3 running on amd64
>>    Java; VM; Vendor        = 1.7.0_51; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 
>> 24.51-b03; Oracle Corporation
>>    Runtime                 = OpenJDK Runtime Environment 1.7.0_51-b13
>>    Java Home               = /usr/local/openjdk7/jre
>>    System Locale; Encoding = en (visualvm); US-ASCII
>>    Home Directory          = /root
>>    Current Directory       = /usr/home/marcus
>>    User Directory          = /home/marcus/.visualvm/1.3.7
>>    Cache Directory         = /home/marcus/.cache/visualvm/1.3.7
>>    Installation            = /usr/local/share/visualvm/visualvm
>>                              /usr/local/share/visualvm/profiler
>>                              /usr/local/share/visualvm/platform
>> Any advice would be very helpful.  Thanks.
> Hmm, this is strange. One thing I notice is that it's trying to load things
> from JDK6 (and for solaris at that). Have you tried running it under JDK6?
> Personally, I build with a local patch that makes JDK7 the default (normally
> JDK6 is default). So maybe it's as simple as making sure the right JDK is used?
> Googled around a bit about this and found:

I don't think the profile engine is the problem.  VVM continues to run a
bit after I get this message.  The reports from others seem to indicate
that even with this, the app should continue to run.

Nonetheless, for my issue, I needed profiling quick, so I got a free
trial for YourKit.  It worked to help my identify my leak.

> So you're definitely not the only one to encounter this type of issue, although
> none of those seem to indicate a resolution.
> The last two in particular make me wonder if building from source would help.
> The VisualVM port isn't building VisualVM from source, it's just repackaging
> the zip file from We could build from source if needed.
> Source is here:
> The only copy of the file I can find is in the netbeans
> package, but only versions for Solaris, Mac, etc. None for FreeBSD.
> Perhaps we would get it if we built VisualVM from source.

I went through the code looking for a System.exit(2), but I couldn't
find one.  I'm really perplexed why this would yield a result code of 2
and otherwise be silent (i.e., the VM isn't dying on an Error).  I
wonder if this exit is coming from the JVM itself.


> Steve

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