FreeBSD java installation help!

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Thu Jun 20 19:21:00 UTC 2013

Am 20.06.2013 um 21:17 schrieb Kavitha H Yogaraj <ykavitha at>:

> I can't technically remove all packages out there. Because in our lab there are several programs using that packages currently. 
> I think only two packages relates to Java in the pkg_info - description. 
> i.e
> 1.  javavmwrapper-2.4_2 Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
> 2.  java-zoneinfo-2012.h Updated Java timezone definitions 
> Will it be okay, if I remove only these and update to 9.1?

No, because it complained about various other packages.
It might work to ignore the warnings, but I seriously doubt it.

The updated version of the packages (mostly PHP) that you already have should behave the same as the ones currently installed.

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