JSP editing in eclipse-webtools-3.3.2

Achilleas Mantzios achill at smadev.internal.net
Tue Jun 26 08:19:38 UTC 2012

Also there is no wizard for JSP files.
When i select New->Other and just type JSP in the filter box nothing appears.

On Τρι 26 Ιουν 2012 11:10:16 Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
> Hello,
> after my recent upgrade to :
> eclipse-3.7.1_1     An open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in
> particul
> eclipse-datatools-1.9.2 Data Tools Platform for the Eclipse IDE
> eclipse-emf-2.7.2   Eclipse Modeling Framework
> eclipse-gef-3.7.2   Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE
> eclipse-webtools-3.3.2 Webtools for eclipse
> subversive-0.7.9_3,1 An Eclipse plug-in that provides Subversion support
> I can no longer properly find a suitable editor for JSP pages.
> I have done some research over the web to no avail.
> # pkg_info -L eclipse-webtools-3.3.2 | grep -i jsp
> gives:
> /usr/local/share/eclipse/dropins/webtools/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.js
> p.core_1.2.402.v201112071853.jar
> /usr/local/share/eclipse/dropins/webtools/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j
> sp.ui.infopop_1.0.200.v201004150328.jar
> /usr/local/share/eclipse/dropins/webtools/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j
> sp.ui_1.1.602.v201112071516.jar
> /usr/local/share/eclipse/dropins/webtools/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.p
> agedesigner.jsp.core_1.2.0.v20100308.jar
> /usr/local/share/eclipse/dropins/webtools/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.j
> sdt.web.support.jsp_1.0.400.v201102241833.jar
> Is there anything i can do to resolve this?
> In the past eclipse installations (i have used eclipse on FreeBSD since
> 2004, i had no such worries, jsp's were supported out of the box, well most
> of the time)
> Thanx
> -
> Achilleas Mantzios
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Achilleas Mantzios

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