Eclipse 3.7.1 and svn
Achilleas Mantzios
achill at
Fri Jun 22 15:31:04 UTC 2012
thanx a lot,
after installing (again) the vanilla /usr/ports/devel/subversive
and did the chmod and started with a virgin .eclipse and workspace, suddenly
it seems it started to behave like its actually acknowledges the presence of
the subversive plugin!!
I still dont have the beast working, but at least I made (thanx to you guys)
a lot of progress!
Thank you a lot, stay tuned :)
On Παρ 22 Ιουν 2012 17:07:16 Václav Kadlčík wrote:
> On 2012/06/22 16:55, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
> >> It seems I have found the cause - there are some files
> >> in /usr/local/lib/eclipse/plugins with wrong permissions.
> >>
> >> Try:
> >> find /usr/local/lib/eclipse/plugins -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +
> >
> > Tried that, no luck,
> > can you please give me the complete details of your eclipse installtion?
> > pkg_info | grep -i eclipse
> eclipse-3.7.1_1 An open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in
> particul
> eclipse-datatools-1.9.2 Data Tools Platform for the Eclipse IDE
> eclipse-emf-2.7.2 Eclipse Modeling Framework
> eclipse-gef-3.7.2 Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE
> eclipse-webtools-3.3.2 Webtools for eclipse
> The only difference is:
> subclipse-1.6.5_3 A subversion plugin for the Eclipse IDE Framework
> which is my preferred Eclipse's SVN client.
> > uname -a
> FreeBSD nbvk.local 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #0: Fri Jun 15 16:58:57
> CEST 2012 toor at nbvk.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/NBVK amd64
> I'm using openjdk7.
> After fixing the permissions, I deleted ~/.eclipse, run eclipse,
> created a new workspace. Open Perspective -> SVN Repository Exploring.
> Works for me.
> Oli
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Achilleas Mantzios
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