icedtea-web plugin as a separate port

Jung-uk Kim jkim at
Mon May 16 15:29:25 UTC 2011

On Monday 16 May 2011 03:18 am, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> I wonder why we build icedtea-web plugin as a part of java/openjdk*
> the way we do now.  I think that perhaps it would be nicer to build
> it a separate port. post-build WITH_WEB looks really
> non-transparent.

That's because it was not possible in the past, i.e., IcedTea-Web 
heavily relied on IcedTea.  The situation will improve when 
IcedTea-Web 1.1 is released.  Please see below.

> Here's what I did to build the latest version icedtea-web from hg:
> - hg clone
> - env INSTALL=ginstall MAKE=gmake ./configure
> --with-jdk-home=/usr/local/openjdk6
> --prefix=/usr/local/openjdk6/jre
> --with-rhino=/usr/local/share/java/rhino/rhino.jar
> --with-junit=/usr/local/share/java/classes/junit.jar
>   [junit, rhino (lang/rhino) and openjdk ports have to be installed
> obviously] - gmake
> - gmake install
> It worked/works for me.

The tip is IcedTea-Web 1.1-ish now, which is already behind its 
release schedule, BTW. ;-)

Although the IcedTea dependency problem was improved, there still 
exists one IcedTea-specific patch.  This class is tested by configure 
script and it fails if OpenJDK6 wasn't patched first:

Jung-uk Kim

> P.S. I think that rhino port should install its jar into
> ${PREFIX}/share/java/classes as other ports do.

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