AW: Question Update Java Security Updates

Andriy Gapon avg at
Wed Mar 9 17:35:55 UTC 2011

on 09/03/2011 19:07 Roger Marquis said the following:
> Greg Lewis wrote:
>>> I'm not an expert in all the java ports, but if I compare the versions of
>>> the different ports, then yes, openjdk is the most current java in ports.
>> Agreed, we should probably switch the default JDK to openjdk6.
> Really, even considering the large number of security issues openjdk has
> had and is expected to continue to having for the foreseeable future?
> Sounds like a recipe for pain among FreeBSD default JDK users or at least
> those whose primary criteria for a JDK are compatibility and security.

Is having very old "official" JDK any better?
I don't think we get many (any?) security updates for them lately.

Andriy Gapon

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